I call your name Beatles

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Redakcja
Fis7 E7 B7 (hold)


I call yoE7ur name but you're noCis7t there
Was I Fis7to blame for being B7unfair
Oh I can't slE7eep at night since you've been goCis7ne 
I nevFis7er weep at nigAht, I can't go on

Don't you know I can't tAake it
I don't kncisow who can
I'm not goFising to make it
I'm not that CkiB7nd of man.

Oh I can't sleep at night but just the same
I ever weep at night I call your name.

Cis7 x43404 (B7 moved up to frets)

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# Franz Lemmermeyer ** Die endgueltige *
# Erwin-Rohde-Str. 19 ** Teilung *
_#_ 69120 Heidelberg ** Deutschlands, *
( # ) ** das ist unser *
/ O \ hb3@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de ** Auftrag! *
( === ) ***** Chlodwig Poth ****
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