If I Feel Beatles

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Redakcja
    1 ulubiony
dis If I fell in love with you
        Would you Dpromise to be true
        And help Cisme b understand
        'Cause I've disbeen in love before
        And Dfound that love is more
        Than e just holding Ahands

        If I Dgive e my fisheart to e you
        I Amust be sure from the Dvere y  fisstart
        That e you would Alove me more than Dher e     A 

        If I Dtrust e in fisyou
        Oh e please, don't Arun and hide
        If I lDove e you fistoo
        Oh e please, don't Ahurt my pride like D9her
        Cause I couldn't stand the Gpain
        And g I would be sad if our new Dlove was in A7vain

        So I Dhope e you'll fissee
        That e I would Alove to love you
        DAnd e that fisshe will e cry
        When Ashe learns we are Dtwo
        If I g fell in Clove with Dyou

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