I'll Follow the Sun Beatles

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Redakcja
    1 ocena
A    One dG7ay, you'll lDook, to see IE7've gone
    For toDmorrow may b rain, E7so, I'll A7follow the Dsun

    ASome day, G7you'll know,D I was the E7one
    But toDmorrow may b rain, sE7o, I'll A7follow the Dsun

 -D-&gD7t;And now tG7he time has come, ag nd so my love I muDst go
  D7 And though I G7lose a friend, g in the end you will Dknow,
    e7 Oh....oh.....

    AOne day, G7you'll find, Dthat I have E7gone
    But toDmorrow may b rain soE7, I'll A7follow the Dsun

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