Blowing In The Wind Bob Dylan

Intro: D

DHow many rGoads must a mAan walk doDwn before you cGall him a mDan?
How many sGeas must a wAhite dove sDail before she slGeeps in the sAand?
Yes and hDow many tGimes must the cAannon balls fDly before they're fGorever bDanned?

The Ganswer my fAriend is Dblowing in the b wind
The Ganswer is blAowing in the wDind

(Harmonica's Solo) G A D b G A D

DHow many yGears can a moAuntain exDist before it is waGshed to the sDea?
Yes and how many yGears can some pAeople exDist before they're allGowed to be frAee?
Yes and hDow many tGimes can a mAan turn his hDead pretending that he jGust didn't sDee?

The Ganswer my fAriend is Dblowing in the b wind
The Ganswer is blAowing in the wDind

(Harmonica's Solo) G A D b G A D

Yes and Dhow many tGimes must a mAan look  Dup before he can sGee the sDky?
Yes and how many eGars must oAne man hDave before he can hGear people cAry?
Yes and Dhow many dGeaths will it tAake till he knDows that too many pGeople have diDed?

The Ganswer my fAriend is Dblowing in the b wind
The Ganswer is blAowing in the wDind

(Harmonica's Solo) G A D b G A D

Oceń to opracowanie
  • Shusty
    Dokładnie, Bo nasze B to byłoby Ais a wg ich to byłoby BB :D

    tak, tak to nasze h

    · Zgłoś · 15 lat temu
  • mario72
    Idę o zakład, że Bm to po naszemu Hm :))

    · Zgłoś · 15 lat temu