Love Enough Hillsong United

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Intro: a F C G

a Your loves enough Fto see the broken hearts,
Get Ca brand new Gstart, with a brand new heart,
a As the faithfFul hope in things unseen,
YourC enough to sGee all their things, their dreams come alive,

a Cause weFre living in tha e Saviour today,
And thGis day is whFat we have now,
In ta his moment we hGave chosen to praise,
And to change inC how we live now

CYour love thaa t broke my fall,
It's more than enouFgh than I needed,
Cause I've neverG known better,
And I'll never ka nowF bCetGter,

CThis love will a see me sore,
It's more than enouFgh and I need it,
Cause I've never Gknown better,
And I'll never Fknow better,

a Your loves enough Fto see the humbled man,
Find tChe cause of ChGrist, with hia s outstretched hands
As the crippledF grabs his mat to walk,
You'rCe enough to savGe him fra om the pain he bore

a Cause weFre living in tha e Saviour today,
And thGis day is whFat we have now,
In ta his moment we hGave chosen to praise,
And to change inC how we live now

My Saa viour, you'Gll never let me go,
My life id s nFow secure,
My Sava iour, you'll nGever let me go,
And in yod ur hands, my fuCture's bright and

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