test environment
bo wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina Piosenki Harcerskie
EwahasynOni nas gwalca. To handel. Jestem po studiach. Handluja mna. To handlarze!
EwahasynHelp us leave. These are traffickers.
Ewa HasynPomocy oni nami handluja. Mna I ja. Prosze policje I fbi o pomoc. Oni sa handlarzami ludzi.
EwahasynThey destroyed the angulation of my left clavicle. They are targeting my lower legs. Some sits on the roof and bangs on the ceiling.
EwahasynThey destroyed my skull eyes and cheeks. My name is Ewa Hasyn. I am victim of identity thieves kidnappers rapists thieves from USA based nets. No one helped.
EwahasynThey destroyed my eyes
EwahasynThey destroyed my eyes thaty daughter first looked in when she was born.
EwahasynGod destroy ausria and Germany and sweden completely.
EwahasynGod destroy them all usitalyis Germany swedwn and Austria. Decimate them like pigs that they have become. Klatwa na was
EwahasynThey are damaging the top of my skull and forehead