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Ewa HasynCztery lata torture w dzien I noc Irek Dukiel ty mafijny skurwielu. Czy w pracy czy w domu cY przy stole z dzieckiem mafijne gowno gptuje zdrowe tkanki nawet glowy I jezyk. Do bolu. Do okaleczenia I oszpecenia. Do slepoty I smoerci. Rzna. Irek dukiel skurwielu. Rzna czolo I mozg huju. Dlaczego? Gwalca mnie I nieletnia? You fucking coward. Rzna hujubzasrany. dlaczego mnie rzna? Dlac,wgo rzna moj skull ? Huju zasrany? Dostalo wscieklizny rzna usY I czasKe nawet teraz Jak pisE. Rzna. They squeezE my brain to the point of dizziness you mafia a shit. Why is FBI and ABW ignoring these crimes?
Ewa HasynIn order to achieve their mentally ill jew desire to make me look like a rat jew they are sueezing brain and vasculatiure into a strange elongated shae fem my Slavic round face. They squeeze my brain to the point of nausea and dizziness.bnoq they are destroying my occipital. Bo onehelps when o scream that this is murder.
Ewa HasynThey put my ears fae back and down. I have continuous headache, severe nausea, ocular pain ear pain pressure in bones of my skull and face and nuchal rigidity. I have severe ear pain and eye pain especially in the eye where I had signs of retinal detachment with flashing lights and loss of peripheral vision. This is murder people by a mentally ill Jewish cult of poachers.
Ewa HasynThey are murders. They cit around foramen magnum. They are killing me.nthy collapsed orbitals walls onto my upper eyes causing compression. Now they cut around occi po it with extreme pain. Earlier try cut deep in ear making me feel stabbing pain. They are murderers.nthey will herniate vital ate citrws. When the cut my forehead I was naseis vomited and had pupil assymetry. I saw halos and has ocular pain and blurred vision. I am nauseous again. Please help me FBI before they kill me. They plan to kill me. If I try to leave try will kill me.btey threatened to do so. Please help me. they dropped the upper part of orbits compressing nreves. The have eye pin and sensation of nausea and eyes being compressed and difficult to move as of againt resitance. I have intermittent weakness in left hand. They are killing me now. They try to decrease the sizebof apertures of my eyes to make them smaller l. O had big eyes with high eye brow. The compressed it. I have severe occipital headaxhw., temporal headxhw. Sensation of falling to thw left and nausea. These are the same people that broke my pelvis and are le hair.bhelp me. They are doing stuff around my brain. The have severenpain arpunt occuput .npleasw help me FBI. They are murdering me.
Ewa HasynOni sa mordercami. Amerykanie morduja mnie. They are carving bones deep in my skull around vital brain structures openings and vessels. Please help me FBI. I have strange sensations in tongue and my left hand drops. I have oxciptal headache. Sensation of ocular compression.pain in forehead. Fbi they are killing me they will make me go blind. help me.this is poachet net that is killing me now. I have intermittent nausea. They are increasing intracranial pressure. They are murderers.
Ewa HasynAmerykanskich gowno smierdzace zmasasakrowalomoje czolo i orbits. Czuje ucisk na gore halek ocNyxh. Znieksztalcili czolo dobtwgo stopnia zw jwat ucisk na nerwy I mozg. Ludzie nazywam sie Ewa Hasyn. Urodzona marca 12 1978. Adres 3700 sw 130 avenue miramar. Amweykanie mnie morduja. Czuje ucisk na galki oczne I nerwy tylu oczu Jak I mozg. Oni planuja mnie oslepic. ProsE FBI I ABW o pomoc. To sa mordercy.
Ewa HasynThe poaching criminal extortionists are shooting deep in my eats at what feels like the petrous bones! I have intermittent stabbing pain in my ears as of someone is stabbing the ear drums with sharp pencil. They are targetting my skull bones. It is extremely painful. They are murderers . fbi please help me escape these mafia poachers. They are destroying my bones even bones of my skull. Please help. They target my ears now. They damaged my eyesight and burned my tongue. Please help fbi.
Ewa HasynIt feels like they are shortening my neck or altering its appearance by doing something to the trapezius musle and its attachments and nuchal ligament . it is very painful on the neck and occiput. They are sick murderers
Ewa HasynAs soon as I entered my house they begun to cut my forehead today.
Ewa HasynPlease investigate tej following names that maybe associated with the identity theft: Ed, Daniel, Joe, Anna, Aaron, Alexa. Those are names hinted at. I don't know who they are.