test environment
bo wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina Piosenki Harcerskie
EwaHasynYou carved me like a piece of meat. You are not my family. You are a net of human traffickers.
EwaHasynIrek you are a liar like all of them.
EwaHasynI declare a war on this scum lying net polish family and On every last stolen bred bastard son. You are cons not a family. You carved me like a piece of meat for sport and sadistic ritualistic entertainment. I curse this liar suck dynasty of lying cons.
EwaHasynPotrzebuje pomocy. Mafia mnie nieustannie tnie. Zniszczyli moja twarz. Jestem bita regularnie i gwalcona. Planuja skrocic moje rece i nogi . Zniszczyli Mona szyje i twarz. Wydali mni e w rece katow Polacy. Moja rodzina. Ktora oklamala mni e I wszystkich. They bred me then carved my body like a piece of meat and continue to do so to the excitement and anticipation of the accidental mob. I curse the children they bred . I curse the thief impostors and the kids they stole. I curse those that stood by and watched this occur as well as those who put me in the hands of these cultist mafia monsters that dare to call themselves my family. I curse those who misused medicine as an instrument of torture on me.polacy ni e jestescie moja rodzina. You paid blacks to rape me the other day.
To ja fgFajna piosenka ale ktoto napisał
Ewakocham tą piosenkę
OlaSuper piosenka
PaulaA my za miast "hej, bawmy die.Hej,hej smiejmy sie" spiewamy "Hej nananana czuwajjjj hej nananana czuuuuwajj" :)