test environment
bo wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina Piosenki Harcerskie
Ewa HasynThey broke the bones of my skull. People this is butcher y. I have difficulty seeing
Ewa HasynI am not in service of any country. Never was and never would be. This is not some classifies clandestine cia operation. I have nothing to do with any services. The people doing this to me are human traffickers. The rqpe and beat me. Cia canolnot do that and services of foreign countries canot do that to us citizens.I was poached raped and beaten by criminals. Fbi why do you ignore my pleas for help. They broke the bones of my skull and butxjer y body. I am a private citizen of Poland and USA. I am not in military of any country. I am not with bor or ABW. I am a victim of human trafficking net that raped and beat me. Fbi and ABW why do you ignore my pleas for help? They broke the bone of my skull. Powlucze prawa noga. Why do you FBI ignore pleas for help. There is enough evidence of sadistic rape and batteries.
Ewa HasynI am severely abused by a butcher net located in miramar Florida 3700 sw 130 avenue. People they arw a net!!!! This is human trafficking!
Ewa HasynZ dnia na dzien they roof me more. They massacred my face. They cut my right zygoma down. They subtly threatened me by flags ng a woman with face after acid. People this is a ring. Fbi if you are reading this..it is a ring of human trafickers
The moving truck isPlease help me. This is a big net of butchers.they continue to slice my head I have severe stabbing earbpain. Goddamn it help FBI. They will kill me.
Ewa HasynThey reduced the volume of my forehead, they shaved further the man ble and zygoma reducing the overall character of my face to a something of a boy face. There are palpable pointd over my forehead that are tender to touch. They massacred my face taking away my character from and turning it into some ugly nobchinned noncheeked hideous face. I have no chin and look like a retard with retrognathia. They cracked the bones of my skull. There are palpable step offs that are painful.they destroyed the Slavic character of my face the fullness and rpundnes of my Slavic cheekaband the syrwnch of my jaw and cheekbones and forehead. I look like a retarded mutt now from Argentina.
Ewa HasynThey destroyed my Slavic face. I curse Jews and Scientology. I cursenitqly and France. I curse Germany and south Amer can mafias. I curse colombia. I curse USA and its services. I curse polonia.
Ewa HasynI especially curse Italians and gypsies. May you all burn in hell.
Ewa HasynFbi please help me. Thwy shaved radial bones. The pain is incredible. Thwy did this before. They shaved bones around the wrist. It felt like I had a compartment syndrome. Fbi why do you not help. ?
Ewa HasynThey destroyed my eyesight. I have such difficulty seeing.