test environment
bo wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina Piosenki Harcerskie
Ewa HasynAmericans kidnap women from Eastern europw decorticate them I potem jebia trupy slowianskie.
Ewa HasynJudging by loss of volume symptoms and localization of pain it is a lobotomy.
Ewa HasynDeath to you responsible for destruction of Slavic women. I curse you.
Ewa HasynKlatwa na was poachers I wasze skradzione bachory. Klatwa na wasze surogatki zlodzieje. Klatwa na was identity thieves I sadowi mordercy.
Ewa HasynIn order to bring my eye s closer together, they arw crushing my midface in this including the orbits and at the level of parietal bones de n bone and occiput. I have profound severe head pain. I have vision problems and feel like I amnloosing my vision on left eye. I have intermittent tunnel vision. I have severe frontal headache and face pain. People this is murder by a j gang of human trafficking poachers. They arw maiming me and killing me.
Ewa HasynThey crushed deep bones of the skull and face on the left. I have severe pain . there is stabbing pain deep in my ear. I have severe face pain deep to zygoma and deep within the skull. People this is mafia.
Ewa HasynJestem mordowana przez amerykanskie sluzby. Fuck you cia. How dare you massacre polish citizen. I am not in service! I have never been in service! You poached me for heirs cia!!!!!! You are destroying every bone in my body. I curse you USA!
Ewa HasynThy cut hard palate
Ewa HasynRzna moje stopy, piety, nos, rece, zwbra, name ustna, kosci twarzy I czaszki. Fbi please help. Rzna occipital bone. They shoot at my heels.
Ewa HasynOni na hama chva skrocic moj wzrost bones nisCA caly heel. To jest krumonlane. I am limping . it is crazy. It will change the hip alignment lnea whih hey will further cut. Help me.