Supersonic oasis

I need tFiso beE/F# myseFislf     A  B 

I can'Fist be nE/F#o oneFis else       A  B 

IFis'm feeling supE/F#ersonFisic give Ame ginB & tonic

YoFisu can have iE/F#t allFis, but Ahow much dBo you want it

YouFis make mE/F#e lauFisgh         A  B 

GivFise me yoE/F#ur auFistograph    A  B 

CFisan I riE/F#de wiFisth you iAn your BBMW

YFisou can E/F#sail Fiswith me Ain my yelloBw submarine

YEou need to find out 'cos no ones gonna tell you

WhatFis I'm E/F#on abFisout

EYou need to find a way for what you want to say

CisBut before tomorrow

'ECos my friendA said

HBe'd take you hFisome

HEe sits in tAhe cornBer

All aFislone

HEe lives uAnder a BwaterfFisall

NEobody canA see Bhim Fis  

NEobody couAld eveBr hearFis him call

(gra sie tak samo jak na początku)

You need to be youself
You can't be no one else
I know a girl called Ailsa
She's into alka-seltza
She sniffs it through a cane
On a supersonic train
And she makes me laugh
I've got her autograph
She done it with a doctor
On a helicopter
She sniffed it in a tissue
Selling the big issue
When she finds out
No ones's gonna tell her what I'm on about
You need to find away for
What you want to say
But before tomorrow

(refren dwa razy)

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