Wonderwall oasis

fis A Esus4 B
fis A Esus4 B
fis A Esus4 B
fis A Esus4 B

fis  Today is gAonna be the day
That they're gEsus4onna throw it back to yBou
fis  By now you shAould've somehow
RealEsus4ised what you gotta dBo
fisI don't believe that aAnybody
FEsus4eels the way I dBo about you nDow Esus4       B 

fis  Backbeat the wAord is on the street
That the fEsus4ire in your heart is oBut
fis  I'm sure you've hAeard it all before
But you neEsus4ver really had a dBoubt
fis  I don't believe that aAnybody fEsus4eels 
The way I dBo about you nFisow  A   Esus4       B 

And aDll the roads we hEsus4ave to walk are wfisinding
And aDll the lights thaEsus4t lead us there are bfislinding
TDhere are many tEsus4hings that I would
fisLike to sEsus4ay to yAou
But I dEsus4on't know hBow

Because mDaybe fis     A 
You're gfisonna be the one that sDaves me? fis     A 
And afisfter aDll fis     A 
fis D fis A F#m (hold) A
You're my wonderwall

fis  Today was gAonna be the day
But they'll nEsus4ever throw it back to yBou
fis  By now you sAhould've somehow
RealEsus4ised what you're not to dBo
fisI don't believe that aAnybody
Esus4Feels the way I dBo
About you nfisow   A   Esus4       B 

And aDll the roads that lEsus4ead you there are wfisinding
And aDll the lights that lEsus4ight the way are bfislinding
TDhere are many tEsus4hings that I would lfisike to sEsus4ay to yAou
But I dEsus4on't know hBow

I said mDaybe fis     A 
You're gfisonna be the one who sDaves me? fis     A 
And afisfter aDll fis     A 
You're my wfisonderwDall fis     A   fis   
I said mDaybe (I said mfisaybe) A 
You're gfisonna be the that who Dsaves me?fis     A 
And afisfter aDll fis     A 
You're my wfisonderwDall fis     A   fis   
I said mayDbe (I said mayfisbe)   A 
You're gfisonna be the one that sDaves me? (that sfisaves me) A 
You're gfisonna be the one that sDaves me? (that sfisaves me) A 
You're fisgonna be the one that Dsaves me? (that fissaves me)A   fis   

D fis A fis
D fis A fis
D fis A fis
D fis A fis

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