test environment
bo wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina Piosenki Harcerskie
EwahasynThey plan to destroy my teeth and vertebra, yesterday they did so.ethong to my abdomen with severe pain, they plan to continue to maim me
EwahasynZniszczyli prawe kolano I szyje
EwahasynOni sie mna bawia jak kawalkiem miesa. Jestem czlowiekiem ktorego zredukowali do kawalka miesa do ubawy I uboju zydow. Porywaja mnie I niszcza wszystko z ogromnym ryzykiem dla mpjrgo zdrowia. Zlsmali mi miednice. Zniszczyli stopy. Teraz niszcza rece kolana I nawet jezyk sebum seplenila I sie dlawila. Now wystarczylo wielokrotne niszczenie szczeki az zlsmali teraz wyrywaja jezyk dla swojej rozrywki.
EwahasynI have severe earache. It feels left me they changed my voice. I cough more and when I woke up the sides of my tongue felt raw ad if someone tried to yank it out of my mouth . I also had pain in my right axilla and knees. The jews are destroying me.
EwahasynThere is something palpable in my ear in thr ear lobe and behind ear on the right. There is stabbing excruciating ear pain and headache and dizziness. It feels like I got bitten by a mosquito or some insect inside. The pain is debilitating.
EwahasynThey operated on my neck causing shortening and destroying neck curvature with kyhosid starting abruptly midneck that is shortened by 2 cm at least I have a lump in my throat and crepitus over the area. Jews have a one mission make me short and make me look like a crazy disabled jew. They call it revenge. They kidnapped raped me and operated on my neck. They caused me to have diaphragmatic hernia limp hematomas brokenbjaw and so forth.
EwahasynThey opeated on my eyes moving them closer together I cannot focus them they try to turn me into a Jew. It feels like they fractures my left temple and ramus of mandible.
EwaHasynKlatwa na was!
EwaHasyn03121978Klatwa na ameryke wlochy zydy i colombie! MA y God have no mercy on you!
EwaHasyn03121978To nie jest rodzina. To byla rodzina. To jest zydowsko wloskie gowno! Ktore zeruje na szczatkach rodziny! Klatwa na was . Wszystkich wy smieci. Klatwa na tych co udaja rodzine i katuja i maltretuja ludzi. Klatwa na was wlocho zydy szwaby I polacy ktorzy oddaliscie nas w szpony mafinjej net of human traffickers and poachers. Klatwa na was i take pesuorodzin e. Oni NAS katuja I morduja. Klatwa na was.