test environment
bo wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina Piosenki Harcerskie
EwaHasynZlodziejskie amerykanskie mafie niszcza moja twarz i cialo. Porywaja mnie katuja jak w sredniowieczu. Zniszczyli moja miednice i nogi. Teraz niszcza moje oczy. Okradaja mnie a zycia I mojej twarzy. Okradli mnie a kariery w polsce moich rzeczy na ktore pracowalam wlacznie a moim samochodem, Israeli mnie a przyjaciol. Sprowadzili mni e do ameryki gdzie or 4 lat jestem katowana gwalcona okaleczana porywana i operowana bez zgody w stanie porwanej. Jestem bita a domu i poza. J estem wyzywana dziennie nieustannie od kurw i szmat. niszcza moje kosci i mnie truja dziennie. Probowalam powiedziedziec o tym authrotities ale traktuja jak wariata. Okradaja mnie a mojej identity. Niszcza moja twarz i cialo trujac mnie I katujac jak i operujac miednice I nikt no nie pomaga. Zglosilam w Polsce i nie ma odpowiedzi. Nie wiem do robic. Okradaja mnie a mojej twarzy i mojego zycia. Mnie truja i niszcza cale cialo. Dzisiaj obudzilam sie i mam wrazenie jakby cos zrobili a moimi oczami i szyja. W 2016 roku pocieli mi szyje. Potem zaczeli staw po stawie dislocate poczynajac or lewego as skutkiem pekniecia scapula i zlamania 2 ribs i krwawienia. To sa butchers. Nikt mi nie pomaga. To nie jest rodzina. To jest net katow.
EwaHasynMam sztywnosc szyji bol glowy i szyji i uczucie crepit us za okiem jakby uczucie zapaniecia sis oczu a oczodolach i suchosci oczu. Czy oni no cos zrobili? Mam nieqygodnie uczucie jak ruszam galkamj. Jakby byly Satanists i ucisniete a oczodolach. Jakby cos ciagnelo is a tylu. Day oni mi cos zrobili?
EwaHasyn03121978The is not a family but a sadistic net of sick butchers that massacred my body. They poached me fixated on then butchered me like a piece of carving meat. This is not a family but a sick net of heritage hunters and poachers.
EwaHasyn03121978They butchered my pelvis and hips completely. I have trouble walking sitting and discomfort even when reclining. They caused urinary incontinence parenthesis throughout my legs with positional weakness. Then shaved al a off of my hip. They damaged the center of gravity with resulting back stiffness.They damaged points of attachments for abdominal muscles with abdominal wall weakness and charismatprogrammatic andic weakness resulting in a sliding progression of diaphragmatic hernia and continuous acid reflux and chronic cough. I can't sleep at night because no feel like my insides are ripping. I have shooting pains throughout my pelvis. Pain in knees shoulders neck ankles and feet. These are butchers. They damaged my wrists that i have trouble holding objects and drop them these are butchers.
EwaHasyn03121978They damage my peripheral nervous system. I wake up with numbness in my hands. I have pain in my ankles and every step i take is full of discomfort and pain. I have pain deep in my shoulders. These people damage the skeletal and nervous systems. I have pain over my ankles.
EwaHasyn03121978Please help me escape usa before the damage everything. Christ help us escape.
EwaHasyn03121978Christ help us escape. They I'd so much damage but they plan to do more. Please help me before it is too late. Please help me escape before they damage evrything. These people are monsters. Please help me.
EwaHasyn03121978They destroyed my pelvis to the extent that i have instability in my hips, urinary and fecal incontinence shooting pain down my legs, weakness that is periodic, burning arounf e my hips. I walk in great discomofrtnlimping along. I don't think I can ever run again or ride a bike. They butchered my pelvis. The seams we my abdominal wall. It feels like I am getting a hernia on the left. I have a sensation of cystocoele. USA butchered my pelvis. ThEy butchered my hands that anything I lived causes menpain. Even simple hand movements. They destroyed the fine movements of my hand. I feels like my left chest is crushed and I have trouble coughing. They butchered me. This is a sadistic sociopathic net of butchers and identity thieves. They scalped my hair and burned Bain on my hands off.
EwaHasyn03121978This is not a family. This used to be a family. Now it is destroyed and taken over by a sadistic net of j gypsy pola k butchers.
EwaHasyn03121978The net of j gypsy polak poachers kidnapped me butchered my body scalped me destroyed my pelvis and hips changed features of my face cut my hand and feet and more. No one came to help despite pleas. This is a j gypsy pola k net heritage hunters and poachers.