test environment
bo wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina Piosenki Harcerskie
EwaHasynHelp us escape usa. This is a sick country full of sick people that torture Slavic peop le.
EwaHasyn03121978You sold me like a piece of meat for carving to the butchers. Do you believe that they are my family or a net of butchers? They sold me like a piece of meat for carving and general public use. Like a piece of refuse for carving by judeopolishgypsy cult and poaching net. I curse you all for selling me like a piece of meat to the butcher nets.
EwaHasyn03121978Polish people turned me over to a criminal butcher net and blocked my escape out.
EwaHasyn03121978Jeszcze bardziej zniszczyli kosci mojej miednicy i szyji. Czuje niestabilnosc w biodrach i bol. Katuja mnie jak zwierze a moze bardziej jak mieso upadle nie jak czlowieka. Nie mowia o mnie she or her but refer to me as an it.
EwaHasyn03121978Zniszczyli moja twarz. Pocieli zygoma i temples i policzki. Zrobil mi twarz.maske. Ktos sis bardzo wyzywa na moim ciele. They kidnapped me and broke bones of my pelvis and operTed. They massacred my back and face. I have trouble walking comfortably and breathing. Features of my face are desteoyed. Bone by bone gypsy cult news and their accomplices day after day destroy. I went to the bathroom and when I came kidnapped had flipped my pants inside out. They knock me me out and do things to me. I am based battered and mutilated day after day. They destroyed my hands to the point I drop things. I have pain lifting hand up. I have extreme hip pain. Every day whether I am healthy or sick They cut more.
EwaHasyn03121978They kidnapped and broke my hips and operated on my pelvis. He's announced with a smile that there is viable tissue and the roots are ok and that they need to cut a little more. They are racists cultists and sick net. Help me.
EwaHasyn03121978It feels like someone beat my thoracic back and sternum with a bat. There is burning in my ribs and back. Help me escape this hell.
EwaHasyn03121978They are targeting my ribs sternum and thoracicbback to the point of is difficult to catch a breath. Please help me escape this living hell. They turned my body into experimental carving meat. I have trouble breathing. Help us escape this net of poachers. Please help us. They bent my right hand index finger. Help me. These people are killing me slowly.
EwaHasynPlease help me escape usa
EwaHasyn03121978Help me to home. This is a net of po achers. Please Help us escape back to eastern europe.