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EwaHasyn03121978FBI please help me someone is targeting me. It feels like there is a traffic net. Please help us.
EwaHasyn03121978Please help me escape finger by finger they are destroying my hands i bet you get me and my daughter away from this area and this sick net please help me . This is human traffick. Day by day they mutilate my body. Help me.
EwaHasynI have weakness in my left hand and burning pain. If I were to guess what they did to me by pain then they altered my tibia ankles humerus hands back upper jaw. Is m constantly assaulted. . Someone is destroying the bones in my bpdy. I have weakness in my left hand where I cannot grasp things. I have extreme pain in my left upper arm. No one helping me. I am m assaulted and I notified ci a and human trafficking network and no one is helping me.
EwaHasyn03121978My upper teach feel like someone tried to pull them forward please help me. They are mutilating my entire body
EwaHasyn03121978They changed the the width of the ring finger in my left hand making it smaller.my wrists are in extreme pain as if someone just grabbed them forecefully. My back is in pain. No one is helping me I have weakness i. My hands. Someone is shaving bone off I assume with some laser i am in pain. No one is helping me.
EwaHasyn03121978They cut the bone of my bilateral hands in such a way that the middle fingers and abnormally close to the middle finger making a w sign when I outstretched my hands. There is a sensation of pain and paresthesia.
EwaHasyn03121978They shaved bone off of my ribs by vertebra my pelvis . I cannot take a breath without pain. The shaved bone off of my neck bones humerus tibia hand bones in both hands forearms. The pain is extreme and I feel instability in my back. This please help me before this mafia kills me. I felt blood on my saliva at about the time I noticed the pain in my back. This occurred today. This is Colombian gypsy mafia by tip. Please help me I am alone and targeted.
EwaHasynI need help. Please help me. The mafia is butchering my back.
EwaHasynFBI i need help. They cut spinous processes and shaved bone off of my left hand. Help me. They continually cut me. I am alone. I am targeted by Colombian gypsy mafia. Help me. They subtly threaten to break my neck.
EwaHasynThey are targeting my tibia. Please help me leave. These people are a mafia. Help us leave. This is a net of poachers.