test environment
bo wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina Piosenki Harcerskie
EwaHasynPlease help me escape. They target hands, wrists and forearms clavicles as well as ribs and foot bones. Please help me. This is mafia and it is beyond my ability to leave. They will beat me if I do. They keep up appearances but underneath the facade they are a mafia that is destroying my body every day. Please help me leave. My hands are in acute pain as I write this. They are destroying bones of my body
EwaHasynIf I try to save the wi l beat me or call me crazy and medicate me. They beat me and hurtme. I have pain with every step i take and every arm movement i make and back pain from the batteries. For disobedience i am tortured or disfigured with disocations.
EwaHasynPlead all us ecape.This is net. They torture us. They mutilate me pelvis arms neck feet he more. Please help us escape. Every night here is a chance for them to do more damage.
EwaHasynThey shaved the home off off my hands. Please help me someone.
EwaHasyn03121978They did something to my left hand. There is strange pain and pressure in thethub, index finger and a depression at the base of the ones finger and dorsal surface of the hand. They keep altering my body. Please help us escape. This is some abuse net. I am asking FBI to help us. This is a net and we are treated like posession. I cannot just leave I need help escaping. If I leave they will come after me and either doable me or the net will take my life. They will not stop mutilating me. It is escalating. I am asking for protection and help.
EwaHasynThey are targeting my hand feet and major bones of my body as well as ankles and shoulders please help me escape. I am held hostage in the usa where they mutilate me day after day. I feel like a sold piece of lemon meat on some black market where they hold as some collateral. They dehumanize me and abuse me day after day.
EwaHasynThey continue to target major bones of my body as well as hands and feet. Please help me. I am imprisoned in the USA while they mutilate my body.
EwaHasyn03121978They are targeting the bones of my hands stiffening my hqnd. Please help me escape. This is a net.
EwaHasynThe mafia is operating on me while they kidnap me. Please help me. I am not in service and never have been. I am not a veteran of anything. I am private person who is targeted by some net. Please help me.
EwaHasyn03121978They altered the curvature of my back so much i cannot twist comfortably and have sharp pain in my chest and lungs with certain movements. I have neck pain thoracic pain lumbar pain and pelvic pain. Help me. This is a mafia of some kind of cult sacrifice. Help me.