test environment
bo wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina Piosenki Harcerskie
Ewa HasynZydy rzna moje ocY I wzrok zasramy irek dukiel!
Ewa HasynSiedzi na dachu psychicznie chory zyd I masakruje moje cialo I twarz teraz rznie moje ocY I oczodoly
Ewa HasynABW there is a violent rapist under the roof pounding on the ceiling. We are in danger in this house of physical injury and rape. Irek dukiel we are in an unsafe house with professional roofer rapist hitting on the ceiling as of to threaten with physical injury.
Ewa HasynThey are targeting maxilla and lips
Ewa HasynThey target my knee my forehead and mandible cheeks inside my mouth my lips, undernmyneye next to my nose Please help us escpe
Ewa HasynSpierdolili moja szyje.
Ewa HasynZasrane zachlanne kurwiszony Masakruja moja twarz. klatwa n ate mafijne pizdziory kurwy nisCza cala moja twarz. Dzisiaj dziwu mafijne niszcza moj nos. Zasrani ludzie co wy mi robicie?! Rzna moj nos Jak wyrzneli moja zuchwe I czolo. Klatwa na USA. Klatwa na wasE sluzby I mafie. Klatwa na dziwki mafijne I skradzione bachory. Klatwa na wasze nets. Smierc wam dziwki mafijne.
Ewa HasynThey destroyed my nostrils this morning. Can you help me escape?
Ewa HasynNiszcza twarze I nas morduja. There is a poached net that steals eggs tissues lives and identities. They beat me they cut me they change face. They intend to throw us onto the street not just me. They beat me throughout my 38th year as well as before and after. I am concerned for the rest of my family. They are destroying my real family. They poached and need me. They are criminals and impostors.
Ewa HasynStrasznie oszpecili moja twarz.