test environment
bo wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina Piosenki Harcerskie
Ewa HasynThey damaged further my lower jaw. I have severe pain deep in my right hip as if it flexed and rotated externally. I have stabbing pain to the soles of my feet. I have a headache. We are battered by a net. We are raped. Police does not help. This is not services as they cannot rape and torture civilians in cruel sadistic protracted ways legally. It is not services as they cannot am m or do things in mileu of every possible contraindication. It is not services as they cannot collect money for rape on us both. This is a net and the services are ignoring their ongoing crimes on us.
Ewa HasynI have severe pain deep in my right hip. The have gi bleeding from that end. They rape us.
Ewa HasynBardzo krwawie z odbytu, ciurkiem, I kuleje na prawa noge. Mam bol w biodrze. Oni nas gwalca. Pomocy.
Ewa HasynThey damaged my right hip. There is a 20 cm scratch of incision with an entry point adjacent to it. I have local burning and pain deep within the femur deep under the superficial entry point. I question if they did not bore into the marrow. The pain is severe and I awoke limping on the hip. It felt pushed back. Fbi please help.
Ewa HasynThere is a man on the roof banging on the ceiling threating to burn us. Fbi please help. He burned away my jaw already. He threatens to burn us alive. Fbi please help me.
Ewa HasynFbi please help us before he kills us
Ewa HasynFbi please help there is a ring that they eatens to killbus. They are e butchering my forehead now. Help me.
Ewa HasynFbi i ask for assistance. They are shooting very hard at my skull, any exposed part. They are now shooting at my forehead and temple. Last night they shot very hard above right orbit. This is torture. Help me. They shot at my so ne throughput the night. They are killing all viable bone including cartilage. I need you help. This is human traffic help us. I am a target inside the home, outside and in public. There is a big net and they seem to be playing some sick sadistic reality game. I am tortured. They poached me. Now they kill my bones and mob me. Help me. I afraid they are messing with my face in order to sell us to the Arabs. They keep sending mail that says owned as of we ate owned. Help me they shoot now hard at my temporal bone.it is 24/7 torture for months.
Ewa HasynI have diminished sensation in hands and feet with paresthesias and have been trying to figure out why.bi consider roofing or battery or nerve damage. But I note the left wrist is thinner in circumferencebthwn before. At my thinnest with normal lengh fingers I had trouble wrapping my fingers comfortably around my wrist. Now months ago they shortened my thumb and ring fingers t and when I wrapped my hand around the wrist I am able to touch all fingers except the pinky. The wrist also appears thinner especially at base of hand. Same thing woh feet. I have loss of light tpush sensation and pateathesias and pain over bones at ankle levels which appear thinner. Someone shave bone off of those areas withbrwsultant nerve damage and compression. People this is a human trafficing mafia.
Ewa HasynTna nas dzien I noc. Fbi please help me now. Why are you ignoring this fbi? There is a net which is destroying us 24/7. They are committing a crime on us. Help us ABW and FBI.